MEO Uses The Power Of Music To Help CUMAC Charity



Christopher Risco, Staff Writer

The Music & Entertainment Organization held its fourth annual benefit concert on Nov. 14.

The concert took place in the multi-purpose room located right across from the food court in the student center. The Audio Engineering Society, the Photography Club, and Brave New Radio were also in attendance to provide sound and record the concert to be aired at a later time on their station. Refreshments such as pizza were also provided.

The artists that were advertised to perform were Lupe Dragon, Wishbone, Tula Vera, and Running Late.

“We organize events that are related to the music industry and through that, we expose our members to happenings in the music industry,” said Gwynne Stevenson, the president of MEO, and a popular music major with a double minor in music and entertainment industries and classical voice.

“We wanted to utilize our resources to give back to the community and use music to do that,’ Stevenson said.

The charity of their choice to support this year was CUMAC. CUMAC is a non-profit organization/food bank based in Paterson, New Jersey whose goal is to counteract hunger and poverty. This mission resonated among the attendees.

“We always have to help the people that are in need and we have good entertainment”, said Izzy, 21, a senior and a media production major.

“It’s right around Thanksgiving and they help those who are hungry and in need, so it was a pretty obvious choice for us to choose CUMAC,” Stevenson said.

Donations (suggested amount $2) were encouraged through the concert and a video named “Dreams” was shown from CUMAC’s Vimeo page that showed some statistics about the hunger and poverty that people in New Jersey suffer. It showed what CUMAC is doing to solve that.

There was also an extra performance by a band with no formal name that consists of members named Tyler, Jordan, Daniel, and Steve.

The process of finding the performing artists was quite simple, since they all have one member who used to, or still attends, William Paterson University. One such member is Lupe Dragon, who is a member of MEO. Another example is Lauren D’Imperio, the lead singer of Running Late, and also a music education major.

Each artist brought a different flavor of music to the table such as Pop Rock, Alternative, Jazz Alternative Pop, and Alternative Rock. Each artist also performed original material. Some song titles were “So far, so gone,” “Telepathy,” “Secret,” and “CBQ.”

“We give students opportunities to perform, so we have the business side and the performance side as well,” Stevenson said.