Get Involved to Get Ahead


Alex Evans, Opinions Editor

The moment most freshmen set foot on the campus of William Paterson as new students, they are encouraged to get involved with the multitude of clubs and organizations on campus.

Many opt to focus on their schoolwork, afraid of the prospects of failing their courses in an environment with plenty of distractions. I was one of those kids, and college life was pretty dull. As a commuter, I would simply drive to school, go to class and drive right back home.

Fast-forward three years, and that has completely changed. I’m more involved with campus activities than I ever was in high school, and there’s no doubt that everyone should get involved as well.

Not only is it a great way to make friends and connections, but having a list of clubs and activities on your resume is a great way to stand out from other students when searching for jobs after graduation.

Getting involved on campus can help students improve their resumes and job prospects in a couple of ways. First, the simple fact that one joined a club or organization shows right off the bat that they are enthusiastic and passionate about their career path, which is important.

With practically all of these extra-curricular activities, students will improve the skills they need to make it in the industry they have chosen. I can personally attest to this; my writing has improved drastically since joining this paper as well as my verbal communication skills as a member of the sports department at Brave New Radio.

Even more important are the contacts you can and will make by joining these clubs and organizations. Making connections and essentially networking with one’s fellow classmates at a school paper or radio station, for example, can lead to future jobs.

A friend that a student makes during their time in a club could end up helping them get a job if their company is looking to hire. Having a connection that already works for the company and can vouch for your work ethic increases your chances of getting hired tenfold.

I’ve met a countless amount of talented and motivated people that I know will make it far in their respective fields, and it’s nice to know that relationship could lead to a job down the line.

College is a time to find what interests us and prepare for what are hopefully long and prosperous careers. Getting involved on campus is as necessary a step as ever towards doing just that.