Wishing For Willy P: How To Deal With Graduation Blues


Brian Sandler, Staff Writer

As finals draw nearer, tentative graduates wave farewell to their alma mater and head on to the daunting real world, where the joys of endless job searching, minimum wage and mediocre apartments await. But for some of the students who will be departing from college this May, the exit is more bittersweet.

How could this be possible? Wouldn’t one be happy to complete higher education and begin their adventure as a (hopefully) fully independent adult? For some, the cause-de-celebration can also be a cause for wistful longing for the past, a yearning to return to the beginning of their Pioneer journey.

According to Dana Johnson of gentwenty.com, this is nothing groundbreaking. That being said, she emphasizes there are steps that can be taken to make the transition that much less terrifying.

“The key here is to get excited about your future,” she said.

“Instead of blindly applying for every open position you are eligible for, take a good hard look at your passions. Once you identify your goals, you can begin to identify what experiences you’d like to pursue to help build your resume.”

When not on the job hunt, Johnson explains that keeping busy is still important.

“Whether you’re working 50 hours a week, or applying for jobs 24/7, find time to do something meaningful and productive for yourself every single day,” she said.

“I’m not talking about meeting a work goal or doing your laundry before you run out of socks (although you should absolutely do those things). I’m talking about working toward your passions, your dream job, whatever outlandish-wonderful-dream goal you created for yourself. Set some time aside every day to work on your personal website, take photographs, or write a sonnet. Even if your day job seems to lack personal meaning, you can rest easy every night knowing that you did something impactful for yourself.”

Even if you’ve walked down the aisle in your cap and gown, Johnson makes it clear that learning doesn’t have to stay in the classroom.

“In college, there are countless opportunities to learn, both inside the classroom and out. “ says Johnson. “Just because you’ve traded your cap and gown for dress slacks, it doesn’t mean that learning has to come to a halt. Seek out interesting opportunities in your area. Universities typically allow the public to attend events and panel discussions for free. Check to see if your city has a local Young Professionals’ Group. Maybe the New Age store around the corner has free yoga classes every week.”

Most of all, Johnson identifies that remaining goal-oriented is ideal.

“Once college is over, it can be easy to lose focus. Whether you’re working full time, or just wish you were, remember to identify your goals and work every single day to achieve them.”

So, if you are one of many college students who can’t seem to get out of the post-bachelor’s funk, you are not alone. As you continue your quest for the elusive full-time job, opportunities remain available to you that are probably just under your nose. If you can take advantage of them while making your dreams come true, then surely it cannot be considered wasted time.