Trump’s First Speech Addresses Hot Topics
President Trump Addresses the Nation in Divisive Speech
March 1, 2017
President Donald Trump called for stronger immigration reform, fair international relations and economic empowerment during his first address to Congress Tuesday night, after only one month in office.
A preview of the speech was given to a specific group of media outlets such as and, which listed the following bullet points:
- “In Tuesday night’s speech, he will lay out an optimistic vision for the country…
- The President will lay out the concrete steps he has already taken to make the American Dream possible for all our
- The president will reach out to Americans living in the poorest and most vulnerable communities and let them know that help is on the way.”

Trump’s speech did echo the same points his campaign thrived on such as employment, border patrol and military enhancement, topics which have directly impacted the lives of thousands of people within and outside of the U.S. Trump began the address with a seemingly sincere delivery.
“I am here tonight to deliver a message of unity and strength and it is a message deeply delivered from my heart,” stated Trump.
Quick Turnaround
Despite the heartfelt beginning, the speech quickly turned to the divisive topic of immigration.
Immigration enforcement was addressed almost immediately as Trump spoke of the construction of “a great, great wall along our Southern border.” Trump stated the significance of the wall in protecting families and the nation from thugs and murderers. Trump also requests Congress create a new law enforcement division against immigrants, the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement, or VOICE for victims affected by crimes committed by immigrants.
As for the fight against terrorism, Trump promised to eradicate all those who oppose the American way of life.
“We cannot allow a beachhead of terrorists to form inside America,” stated Trump.
Trump also touched on the effects of international trade and the deterioration of relationships between American businesses and foreign governments. Trump believes that American relations with foreign governments could be better if America had people “who had the ability to negotiate.” Trump then stated that he would be asking Congress to approve a $1 trillion investment to rebuild America’s infrastructure.
“This effort will be guided by two principles; Buy American and hire American,” stated Trump.

As Trump began to speak against the Affordable Care Act, a division was highlighted as those who agreed with Trump’s condemnation of the act stood to applaud the president while those who disagreed flashed downed thumbs. Former Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear offered a Democratic response to Trump’s address, broadcasted immediately after the speech.
“So far, every Republican idea to replace the Affordable Care Act, would reduce the number of Americans covered, despite your promises to the contrary,” stated Beshear.
As of December 2016, 6.4 million Americans have enrolled in the Affordable Care Act, according to a report issued by CNN. According to Trump, “Arizona health care premiums have gone up 116 percent,” leaving many Americans without coverage.
Trump also declared better overall care for veterans and all those in the Armed Forces, referring to military service members as “the heroes of our nation.”
“Our veterans have delivered for our nation and now we must deliver for them,” stated Trump.
Trump ended his speech with an appeal for Americans to believe in the renewal of the American spirit.
“I am asking everyone watching tonight to believe in yourselves, believe in your future and believe once more in America,” Stated Trump.